
Les modèles de compétences

In this MAD Talk, Chloé D'Avout presents the first part of our MAD Luxury Fast Forward 2024/2025 study, which focuses on Talents.

Houses are facing three major challenges: identifying the best profiles, developing the skills of new recruits, and retaining talent. How to achieve this? Three avenues are being explored.

/ Evolution of Retail roles : The responsibilities of salespeople and managers have been redefined with the omnichannel transition and the focus on the customer experience. New roles have emerged. Clarifying and updating these roles is essential to reflect current responsibilities and engage retail teams.

/ Harmonization of organizations : To facilitate inter-store and international mobility, it is crucial to harmonize organizations taking into account regional specificities. Updating the skills required for each position, facilitated by AI, allows for the precise identification of the profiles sought and the optimization of training.

/ Career Reenchantment : Attracting and retaining talent involves a review of career paths and development tools. Houses need to strengthen leadership and strategic vision programs, while integrating issues more effectively. This allows for the design of individualized paths and coaching of promising talents.

Want to learn more? Download the full first part of our study in the insights section.
