
Luxury Fast Forward 2024/2025 - Part 3

In MAD Luxury Fast Forward 2024/2025, MAD's partners address the main challenges of the Luxury sector. After analyzing the Artificial Intelligence impacts on Maisons, we continue our series in this new chapter dedicated to CSR.

In 2024, the Maisons express themselves on CSR through extensive programs. However, our observation is that while the speeches resonate strongly outside, the road is still long internally and in the customer's eyes.

/ How can the luxury industry promote sustainable practices, involving both leaders, employees, and customers, and relying on the unique corporate culture of the sector?

/ How could training, incentive, and organization be inspiring levers?

/ How can Corporate Culture save CSR?

Our study will be released through a final publication that will address a new territory of luxury, Wellness. Our first two parts about Talents and Artificial Intelligence are available for download in the Insights section of our website.

Are you looking for more ? Please contact Diane De Raynal.
